Vanishing Elephant Players, the in-house theatre company of the Historic Masonic Temple of Bay City, was founded in 2017 when a group of like-minded creatives set out to create a theatre group to fill in the gaps that larger, more established groups might leave behind. VEP breaks down theatre into its essential elements: actor and story-driven plays with a community focus.
Bringing life
to our stages
Now in its seventh season, the Vanishing Elephant Players present a wide variety of shows, in a wide variety of genres, from full-length productions to more casual theatrical events like cabarets and storytelling nights. We are proud to present shows by well-known playwrights as well as local up and comers—from Shakespeare to your neighbor, and everyone in-between. We also place a special emphasis on showcasing stories that might otherwise be underrepresented.

performance, education, collaboration
Vanishing Elephant Players is proud to foster an environment of learning and collaboration, in addition to entertaining. We regularly offer workshops for on and offstage interests, collaborating with groups such as IATSE and BLAQN, and other theatre companies like The Intrepid Theatre.
We take the term "community theatre" to heart--anyone with the desire to take part in the artform is welcome to participate, learn, grow, entertain, and have fun!
Art For Everyone
Vanishing Elephant Players is committed to increasing accessibility in the arts. We are proud to collaborate with American Sign Language interpreting-training students who, under the direction and supervision of licensed Interpreters and members of the Deaf community, receive an experience that is unique and necessary in their training. In exchange, our actors get the opportunity to learn about accessibility, while working alongside interpreters on stage. Be sure to look forward to ASL-Interpreted performances in the future!

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