Our Commitment to Restoration & Preservation
The Historic Masonic Temple is an amazing building, that stands much as it did in 1905. Over 130 years this building has experienced a lot of our history and will be here well into our future. Once an active Masonic Lodge, it is now home to anyone with a passion to create! We have a lot of work ahead of us, to not only restore and preserve this beautiful piece of architectural art, but to also bring it up to date so that it meets the needs of the 21st century.
Current work to date has been the replacement of our roof, updates to the women's restroom bringing it from 1 stall to 4, and tuck pointing of the bricks on our north facing exterior wall.
We are very excited to share that this summer we will have the work completed to restore and preserve the foundation of our building. This project will involve a complete excavation of the exterior and interior foundation walls, but once completed will protect our building for many years to come. If you'd like to support this and future restoration and preservation efforts please consider making a donation! With each project we complete more of the building becomes available to you and the rest of our community to enjoy.
Green Room gets a Facelift
This past February, 2024, we had a number of amazing volunteers take time to start work on giving our back stage area a facelift. Our "green room" is a space used by actors in theatrical productions, musicians performing on our stages, and others during showcases of their talents to prepare, relax, and store their personal belongings during shows. Work is still underway to complete the project, but with paint alone it looks like a brand new space. Our Artistic Director did some research and found a green that is reminiscent of what was popular in the 1890s. Once painting is complete the room will be furnished with new lighted mirrors, new chairs, and a few other amenities.
Thank you to our volunteers for their hard work!
And thank you to our audience at Sloshed Shakespeare, your generosity and donations made this project possible and we look forward to showcasing the completed project soon!